The obesity issue has become increasingly important in recent years. The rate of obesity has been increasing, especially in children. We are then prompted to ask: What causes childhood obesity? Children’s obesity is caused by a variety of factors. The reasons for children becoming overweight or obese are varied. Children’s obesity is mainly caused by genetic factors and unhealthy eating habits.
Childhood obesity is caused by genetic factors. Parents’ genes have a significant impact on the weight of children. Genetic inheritance is a major factor in the development of childhood obesity. The genetic blood can pass childhood obesity on. Ogden (2011) states that “Science has shown genetics to be a factor in obesity.” Genes are directly responsible for obesity. Multiple genes can increase someone’s susceptibility to obesity. Their parents have passed on genes that cause them to gain weight quickly. The cause of childhood obesity is usually uncontrollable. Some weight problems are passed down through families. However not all children who have a family history will eventually become obese. Children who come from families with an overweight member are more likely to be obese. It is often a result of a child imitating the eating patterns of their siblings or parents.
Inactivity is also a cause of childhood obesity. Today there are many kids who do not exercise enough. Inactivity and poor health can lead to excess calories due to unhealthy eating habits. Internet and transport are readily available to kids, so they do not go out and play. They spend most of their free time playing video games or watching TV. This is because children are transported to and from the school, which leads to a higher rate of obesity. Berall (2002) says that the ease of transportation combined with perceptions of unsafe neighborhoods leads to children rarely walking to school. Due to this, kids do not burn calories. Instead they add to their weight. When the kids don’t get any physical activity, their body struggles to burn calories. It is because children today spend a lot of time on their computers and watching TV.
Poor eating habits, and a bad lifestyle are also factors that contribute to childhood obesity. Children who are fed unhealthy foods end up becoming obese. Advertising of unhealthy food is shown to them. The advertising of unhealthy foods is too prevalent in children’s lives. They are eventually convinced to consume the product. Children are influenced by the many television ads. Children often watch too much television. Rosenfield said that the appeal of computers and televisions contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle. It is even worse when you eat in front a TV or computer. The fast-food industry thrives on marketing and advertising to children, as it is a high-demand product. Fast-food restaurant commercials are a great way to influence and surprise children, and convince them to ask their parents to purchase more unhealthy food. They continue to consume these unhealthy foods as they sit in front of the television watching. In today’s world, children are less likely to engage in physical activity because they spend most of their time on computers and watching television.
Childhood obesity is caused by many different factors. The environment of the child is the main factor that influences their eating habits and diet. Child obesity is caused by unhealthy eating habits, lack of outdoor activities and inactivity. In addition, parents who contribute to the obesity rate in their children can affect their genetic traits.